Ride On Your Coattails

Xie Heng was an intelligent man. It was not only in his studies but his culinary skills as well.

Zhao Chuchu only told him about fried potato pancakes but did not explain the steps, yet he somehow figured it out himself. First, he steamed the potatoes, removed the skins, and mashed them. Then, he coated them in flour, egg wash, and other ingredients. Lastly, he fried all of them after kneading them into balls.

Sitting before the stove, Zhao Chuchu watched Xie Heng fry all the potato pancakes until they became golden, causing her hungry stomach to growl.

Peering at Zhao Chuchu's gluttonous look, Xie Heng raised the corner of his mouth. Then, he took two freshly fried potato pancakes, served them in a bowl, and handed them to her. "Try them. Tell me how the taste is."

"Mmm. It smells good." Zhao Chuchu got a whiff of the pancakes' aroma. "Although it is missing some ingredients, the taste is almost close to the authentic one."