How's Does The Retribution Feel?

Just as she said that, the two of them heard a bang.

The door, which was initially closed, was kicked off its frame. It was barely left hanging on the doorframe.

Zhao Chuchu walked in with the light behind her. She emanated a terrifying murderous error that sent chills down the spine of whoever saw her.

Madam Qian and Niu Ziming both backed off in fear.

"You, what are you doing? This is my home. You broke into my home without my permission. I can go to the governing bureau to sue you!" Madam Qian pulled Niu Ziming behind her in an attempt to protect him as she said with a trembling voice.

Zhao Chuchu sneered. "We will be heading to the governing bureau. But before we go there, I think there's something that needs to be settled," she said as she walked forward.

Madam Qian and her son had no more space to retreat. Their faces were filled with fear as they stood with their backs flushed to the wall.