You Don't Deserve Forgiveness!

Xie Jun had already had his bath and changed into clean clothes. Xie Heng was wringing his hair dry with a towel.

Niu Ziming started kowtowing at the door the moment he saw them.

"I'm really sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have pushed Junjun into the water accidentally. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please forgive me. I've realized my mistake. I'll kowtow and apologize."

Xie Heng continued to dry Xie Jun's hair as though he didn't hear Niu Ziming at all.

Xie Jun raised his head and looked at Xie Heng to ask him what to do.

Xie Heng put his arm around Xie Jun's shoulder to make Xie Jun sit up straight. He said, "Don't move. It'll hurt if I pull on your hair."

Regardless of what Niu Ziming did, Xie Heng did not look at him.

"Deportment is very important for scholars. You should always walk straight and sit upright, alright?" A few moments later, Xie Heng lowered his head and lectured Xie Jun.