They Got Scolded Instead

"God, open your eyes and look at this world that inverts right and wrong, where people are being eaten alive. Good people are being wiped out and eliminated! My son is innocent! Please save my son!"

Madam Qian lay on the ground and started rolling around hysterically.

County Magistrate Qiao's face was dark with anger.

He slammed the gavel and said, "This is a court. It's not a place for you to throw tantrums! Security, take down this woman who's disturbing the court, and give her twenty strokes of the cane as a warning!"

Madam Qian immediately picked herself up from the ground when she heard that and tried to run away.

But this was an official court. How could she possibly run away?

The officials from the court caught her and forced her into a chair.

Madam Qian's shrieks were so agonizing that no one else dared to look at her.

Zhao Chuchu wanted to cover Xie Jun's eyes and not let him see it, but Xie Heng stopped her.