Is It Very Hard To Leave A Scum?

"She's pretty much fine now. But she suffered very severe injuries, so she would need to rest and recover for quite a while. You can't return to Fu City right now." Zhao Chuchu looked toward Kang Xiuwan.

"Really? That's great, Chuchu. Thank you. If you weren't here, I would have had no idea what to do." Kang Xiuwan's eyes started turning red as she thanked Zhao Chuchu.

"No need to be so polite. Just pay me." Zhao Chuchu didn't warm up to Kang Xiuwan.

They had never come to search for the original owner before.

They came to Yuanjiang County this time to search for Mrs. Xie, the miracle doctor. Xia Chenglan was only a secondary goal.

Kang Xiuwan felt like someone had just poured a pail of cold water on her head. She couldn't cry anymore.