No Place For You To Talk

Kang Xiuwan was stunned.

Zhao Chuchu continued, "You kept saying that you don't want your mother to die, but do you think she has any chance to survive in that household? She managed to escape death this time, but what about next time? Some things cannot be reverted once they've been started.

"I'm in no position to reprimand you. However, do you really think that they will feel guilty and change their ways after you return home? Wake up, and stop being so naive. The only thing waiting for you when you head back is death!"

"Then what should I do?" Kang Xiuwan asked in a daze.

Zhao Chuchu said seriously, "Make this whole issue as big a deal as you can. That way, you'll gain the upper hand. Rather than hoping that heartless people will turn back, it's better to find a path for yourself. Your mother may not die if she leaves your father, but she will definitely die if she stays by his side!"

"Make it a big deal?"