What Can I Do? It Must Be My Good Fortune

Xie Heng's words caused the expressions of the gossipers to change drastically.

They looked as though they had eaten flies. They had failed to make Xie Heng disgusted at Zhao Chuchu and instead gagged at his response.

None of them could spend their families' money in such a manner. If they misspent even one cent, they would be scolded by their mothers-in-law and husbands!

"It doesn't sit well with you to see Da Lang letting me spend money like this, right? Bear with it. I still have many areas that I will spend money on. Da Lang will let me do as I please. No matter how you provoke him, he will not listen to you. Marrying a scholar is the beauty; they are very reasonable."

Zhao Chuchu chimed in, pouring oil onto the fire.

"Da Lang, all your money is mine, right?"

"Yeap. It is all yours."