Being Humbled

Madam Kong kept quiet after she heard Zhao Chuchu say this.

Since the latter had made up her mind, Madam Kong saying any more would serve to get on her nerves.

Zhao Chuchu knew that Madam Kong and her daughters-in-law would be thrifty. Hence, she did not leave the kitchen when they were stir-frying the vegetables. She was afraid that Madam Kong would even skimp on the oil.

As expected, Madam Kong only used a little oil when stir-frying the vegetables.

Zhao Chuchu suspected that no trace of oil could be seen after the dish was ready.

"Use more oil. The vegetables won't taste nice without it," instructed Zhao Chuchu from the side.

Madam Kong poured a little bit more in.

Zhao Chuchu was speechless.

"Put half of what you added just now."

"We must save oil. We usually eat it this way."

Madam Kong was in pain.

She could cook several meals with this amount of oil.