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The bully then said, "Fellas, take down this bitch! I am going to teach her a lesson. Damn it! She actually hit me!"

Such a group of misfits was no match for Zhao Chuchu.

Zhao Meilan and the other two people looked worried, but Zhao Chuchu just beat those bullies up. After that, they all lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

Zhao Chuchu stepped on the shoulder blade of the head of the bullies with one foot, and with a bit of pressure, the bully screamed in pain.

"Come on, who asked you to collect protection fees here? If you keep silent, I will cut off your fingers one by one to see how many fingers you can survive with. Don't worry. I'm a doctor and won't let you bleed to death."

When the bully heard this, he was terrified.

"Okay, I will talk."

He told Zhao Chuchu everything. He said that the manager of Fenglong Tea House was behind this.