What a Weird Man

"Father, that's not what I meant," said Gan Yingzhi, trying to explain quickly. "Mother is in a terrible condition now. I..."

"Shut the f*ck up! I swear to god I'll make you dumb with poison if you continue to talk nonsense," Gan Maosheng interrupted him angrily.

Gan Quan and Gan Lin immediately winked their eyes at their father, suggesting that he should not be talking at will like he used to do because their grandfather was very anxious at this moment.

They both believed their father should learn how to talk nicely and be polite to people.

Gan Maosheng kept staring at the closed door.

He and his wife married at a young age. Although his wife had a bad temper, he had long been used to her babbling and nagging after spending nearly all his life with her. Now he found himself unable to stand his wife's absence.

Though Gan Maosheng appeared calm, he was in fact on pins and needles.