Don't Be Hard On Herself

Old Mrs. Gan was a little speechless.

She rolled her eyes at Madam Luo. "What are you talking about? Do I look like a bad person to you? I only want them to lead a happy life. Why would I want to break their family?"

Seeing that it was a misunderstanding, Madam Luo said in embarrassment, "I thought you wanted Zhao Chuchu to marry into our family."

"Ever since you entered our family, you've seen that I don't even allow any woman near Yingzhi. Why would I think to break others' families?"

Madam Luo immediately apologized.

Old Mrs. Gan knew that Madam Luo was an outspoken person, so she was not pissed off.

Zhao Chuchu didn't know what the two of them were talking about.

She rejected their invitation to stay and returned to the inn.

After all, Zhao Meilan was in the inn. She couldn't leave her there alone.

She was worried that some reckless people might break into her room and threaten her into giving the tofu recipe away.