
Just when Scholar Jin tried to think of a way to deal with Zhao Chuchu and Gan Maosheng, Gan Maosheng used the evidence Zhao Chuchu gave him and sent Scholar Jin straight behind bars.

Mrs. Jin became desperate. She led a group of people, stood outside the Gan family's residence, and began scolding them. "Gan Maosheng, how dare you set Scholar Jin up. I hope that you will die soon and that you will have no descendants either..."

Zhao Chuchu heard those words and told Madam Luo to close the door. They decided to ignore Mrs. Jin, who was barking like a dog.

"Are they out of their minds? They're offending a government official!" Madam Luo said angrily. "She had no reason to do so. And they call themselves an educated family? Mr *ss!"

"They've become desperate." Zhao Chuchu snorted. "Don't they know what they've done? What's the use of feeling annoyed now? The Jin family won't be around for long anyway."

"What do you mean?"