The Unexpected

Xie Heng laughed lightly. "It was really just a letter that went out. I'm not capable of making other people's decisions for them."

Zhao Chuchu rolled her eyes. "You're still competent."

"Even so, I still have to rely on you, Chuchu. I'm currently trapped in Lengshui Village and can't do anything. Chuchu, I can only be more successful with your help." Xie Heng said thoughtfully, "And I'm not overly modest."

"Well, no matter how things go, so long as the result is what I want, that's enough." Xie Heng praised Zhao Chuchu so much Zhao Chuchu was unable to carry on the same topic. The Jin family's done for anyway.

Such sinister people really should be appropriately rectified.

"This morning, Junjun was talking about wanting to eat the beer-braised duck. How about making some of that today?" Xie Heng knew too well Zhao Chuchu's fondness for food and quickly changed the subject.