Too Hard

Zhao Chuchu was in a great mood.

In her previous life, she was used to seeing men who did whatever they wanted just because they were powerful, and Xie Heng's innocence managed to hit Zhao Chuchu's sweet spot.

The same went for Zhao Chuchu as well. Although this was her third life, she was the same as Xie Heng. She never had a boyfriend!

The only difference was that Xie Heng was married, but she wasn't.

But Xie Heng's marriage had no meaning. There was no communication at all with his wife. They were just strangers under the same roof.

"Chuchu, tell me if the water is boiling. I'll go read a book for a while." Xie Heng's voice came from the outside.

"Okay," Zhao Chuchu answered loudly.

Immediately after, Xie Heng's footsteps were heard entering the house.

When the water boiled, Xie Heng came back.

This time his expression was back to normal, as if nothing had happened.