Was That Very Hard?

Zhao Chuchu then told Xie Heng the story about Da Lang in Water Margin.

Xie Heng was speechless.

Looking at the speechless Xie Heng, Zhao Chuchu laughed so hard that she couldn't catch her breath.

Xie Heng sighed and asked, "Should I be glad that you gave me medicine to cure my illness at the beginning instead of poison?"

"Don't worry. I won't do that to you." Zhao Chuchu held back her laughter. "You're not Zhao Zhizhi, so I won't kill you. I just thought of this when the people in the village called you Da Lang. So I have no malice."


"Of course, this Da Lang is not that Da Lang in the novel. If I were that woman, I'm afraid you would have killed me before I could do anything."

"Chuchu, are you so distrustful of me that you are already thinking about finding your next husband?" Xie Heng said slowly, a hint of danger in his tone.