There Are Only Patients

Zhao Chuchu had a good night's sleep.

The next day, when she woke up, she saw Xie Heng's faint dark circles under his eyes. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"Da Lang, did you go out and steal something last night?" Zhao Chuchu asked knowingly.

"No, I went to catch a thief." Xie Heng did not change his expression.

"Really? Where's the thief from?"

"The thief was wandering around all night, very cunning."

"That's because you're not proficient."

Xie Heng rubbed Zhao Chuchu's hair. "Then I'll work hard and try to catch the thief soon."

"You messed up my hair." Zhao Chuchu glared at him in anger. She had combed it with great effort.

Xie Heng laughed out loud and lowered his head. "You can rub my hair too."

Zhao Chuchu looked at Xie Heng's hair and suddenly came up with a very odd thought. "He is suitable to be a programmer!"