All Must Die

Dachuan was not angry even after being scolded.

He also patiently explained to the people. "I swear, on my family, I didn't lie to you. Why don't you come to Doctor Miracle now? My mother got a lot better after taking medicine."

"Well, it's just a temporary effect. Our village is doomed. No one can save us!"

"Are you proud of yourself for not getting sick? I tell you, it will be your turn sooner or later!"

"No one can escape, and so are you, Dachuan. Hahaha, all must die. All must die together."

Dachuan smiled and saw the villagers' faces that had become grim from despair and couldn't help but frown.

In the end, he did not argue with them and ran to the village chief's house as fast as he could.

The village chief sat under the house's eaves with a sad face and sighed.

He was not even in the mood to talk back to Dachuan, whom he used to like very much.