Nobody Is Forcing You

Dachuan's mother and elder brother waited for Zhao Chuchu to finish treating the child before coming out of the house.

The village chief, suspicious of Zhao Chuchu being a swindler, was shocked to see the two of them.

Dahai, in particular, had already looked dead earlier, but now he looked as if he had come to life, and his whole spirit and temperament were different.

"Dahai, are you all right already?" The village chief asked sharply.

Dahai shook his head. "Not entirely, but it's better than before. Uncle, Mrs. Xie is a good doctor. We have to trust Mrs. Xie. As long as she cures us, we can all live."

"Mrs. Xie, are you really able to cure us and save Heyang Village?" The village chief looked sideways at Zhao Chuchu.

Xie Jun said first, "Of course it's true. My brother used to be blind. Then he was cured by Chuchu. If you don't believe me, you can visit our village and ask around. Then you will know how good Chuchu's medical skills are!"