Death Comes Sooner or Later

"Presumptuous. You are ignorant and unreasonable!" shouted the imperial physician, unable to contain his rage. "Whoever marries you will have eight lifetimes of misfortune. How can such an outrageous woman like you exist in the world?"

"Imperial Physician Zhang, your words could not be further from the truth. Being able to have a woman like Chuchu as my wife is the good fortune I accumulated over three lifetimes," said Xie Heng, who just happened to walk in. He continued speaking to the imperial physician, "Without Chuchu, I would still be blind now."

The imperial physician nearly perished from anger.

Xie Heng walked up to Zhao Chuchu's side and subtly shielded her behind him. Then he stood before the imperial physician and said, "If my wife's existence brings others misfortune, then wouldn't the existence of other doctors be a worse nightmare?"

The imperial physician's face turned as red as a beetroot, and his breathing became rapid.