My Only Regret

They were grateful to Zhao Chuchu from the bottom of their hearts. Zhao Chuchu had given them another chance at life. They no longer suffered from the pain of the disease.

Zhao Chuchu looked around her. She said, "I accept your gratitude but do not want your stuff. Your lives are difficult as well. Leave the stuff for your own use. From now on, take care of your hygiene. Do not drink water without boiling it first. That way, you will not fall sick so easily."

The crowd pleaded, "Mrs. Xie..."

"I know what you want to say. Save the talk. There is nothing that needs to be said. All of you, head back to your homes. We also need to head off. I hope that the next time I see you all, you will be in better condition than you are now. Farewell."

After she said this, she leaped onto the cart. She waved at the crowd and signaled the driver to embark.

The townsfolk chased the cart and tried to push the items onto it. However, they were no match for Zhao Chuchu.