Did You Transplant Her a New Face?

"Then I am different from you. Who dares to scold me? I will give him a hard time!" Zhao Chuchu disagreed on this point. "I don't accept any insults."

She didn't need to think about it to know how those scholars would scold Xie Heng.

The literati's pen was the sharpest knife in the world, killing people quietly and discreetly.

Just have a look at what the Wei Dynasty has become.

If Xie Heng weren't there to put things right, they would never have had the opportunity to scold Xie Heng in their writings.

They were too full and idle to ride the wave of Xie Heng to get fame.

"Chuchu, I'm different from you. As an official in court, I can't be as unrestrained and reckless as you are. Of course, I am not saying that you are not good. After all, there are too many considerations in court. I cannot just seek momentary gratification."