The Stench of Silver and Gold

"It's called skill! How about it? Not bad, right?" Chuchu asked proudly. "The marks on Chunxiang's face are only temporarily covered up. It will take some time for them to disappear completely."

Yuan Hui went to take a closer look at Chunxiang's face and sighed.

She begged Chuchu, "Why don't you teach me this skill? Then, if I can do it, you can ask for anything, please."

"Let's talk about it when I get back." Chuchu did not refuse. Anyway, she did not rely on makeup to make a living. So there was no harm in teaching them some makeup skills.

Pretty young ladies—how eye-catching!

She also liked it.

"Hehe, I knew you were the best. But you usually don't put on any makeup. I didn't realize you were so dexterous."

"I have many more skills than you can imagine. You will see them all in the future when you have the chance."

"Then I'll wait. Well, let's eat something and leave in a while."