Do You Not Trust Me?

This person was a servant working for Second Mr. Ye. Zhao Chuchu had seen him once at the Yuan clan.

"Ms. Lin, Old Mr. Xia would like to meet you."

Zhao Chuchu stopped the horse. A person walked from behind the servant and looked at Zhao Chuchu. His tone of voice wasn't bad, but it was definitely not respectful.

Zhao Chuchu looked at the person from atop the horse.

She looked at him from an angle above, instantly making him feel a little infuriated.

"Miss Lin, Old Mr. Xia would like to meet you." He repeated.

Zhao Chuchu laughed.

Ye clan?

These people didn't even have much time left in Guangqing Province. Zhao Chuchu wondered how they had the cheek to come remind her of their presence.

"Sorry, I don't know who that is," Zhao Chuchu rejected him immediately."

"Miss Lin, you should know we're asking you nicely right now. Old Mr. Xia wants to see you. That's giving you respect, don't be ignorant."