Not Worth His Time

As it was, Xie Heng could tell that Duke Ding had similar intentions as him, which was why he used this opportunity to help them. Not only did it help the Yuan clan to solve their crisis, but it also made Qiao Heting owe him a favor.

Grand secretary Xie would never do something that wasn't worth his time.

Of course, Zhao Chuchu didn't know about this. Xie Heng didn't want to involve Zhao Chuchu in all this scheming.

But after returning, Xie Heng planned to tell Zhao Chuchu all about it.

While Xie Heng was thinking about how to have fun with Zhao Chuchu on their way back and taste all of the excellent food on the way, the Xia clan of the Guangqign Province received news that made them extremely angry.

The Zhao Chuchu they wanted to find so badly had been brought to the capital city by Yuan Hui a long time ago. "Miss Lin" was actually Zhao Chuchu!

Xia Songquan almost fainted from anger upon learning about this.