Why Is It So Hard to Have a Nephew?

"Junjun is still at home. We're not going to leave you alone and go traveling the world. Something happened and delayed our return, that's why we came back so late. We're not going to abandon Junjun and let you be alone!" Zhao Chuchu said with a smile.

Xie Jun raised his head and looked at Zhao Chuchu with misty eyes. He sniffled and said, "Really?"

"Of course," Zhao Chuchu said as she rubbed his head, "Junjun is such a good boy. Why would we leave you?"

Xie Jun finally stopped crying as a smile appeared on his face.

Xie Heng said helplessly, "You're a man. Men don't cry. We stay strong and fight. Clean up your tears, don't let other people laugh at you."

"Okay." Xie Jun hurriedly wiped his face with his sleeve.

Zhao Chuchu saw Xie Jun's action and took out a handkerchiefto wipe his face for him. Xie Heng took over the handkerchief and cleaned Xie Jun's face thoroughly. "Go wash up."