Ruthless Is the Basic

"Even if that happens, I'm still not worried. You're here to help, aren't you? With you backing me up, I'm not afraid of anyone." Niu Tongsheng smiled.

Zhao Chuchu did not expect to hear that sort of reply from him, and she was surprised.

However, she also knew that Niu Tongsheng was not a cunning person and that he would not do something terrible in her name. If he really needed to use her name when required, she wouldn't mind it, and he could use it as much as he wanted.

When Zhao Chuchu finally left the watermill workshop, it was already afternoon.

It was time to eat again.

She rubbed her belly and could tell that she was hungry.

Days now passed by in an instant to her.

After leaving the watermill workshop and having lunch, she spent the rest of the day forced by other women in the village to tell them more about the province city.