I Won't Acknowledge It

"Don't make assumptions about things that don't exist." Xie Heng gently pinched Zhao Chuchu's cheek. "It won't happen."

Zhao Chuchu tilted her head to pull her cheek away. "You're going to make my face skinnier if you keep pinching my cheeks."

Xie Heng laughed. "Then, I'll have to help you gain some weight first. You're too skinny. How are you still so thin despite the amount of food you eat?"

The man had been trying his best to make all the food that Zhao Chuchu loved to eat, and she was a big eater too. Yet, her weight remained the same after all the food she consumed daily.

"That's because my body burns a lot of calories!"

The truth was that Zhao Chuchu would consume a lot of energy when she used her supernatural power.

Due to that, it was tough for Zhao Chuchu to gain weight unless she ate from morning to night every single day. However, that wasn't something that she would do.