Chapter 358 It's a Pleasure to Spend Money on Her

Once Xie Heng said this, Zhao Chuchu wanted to tease him more instead.

"But I can't help it. You know that I am not a child."

"Then, can you spare me this time?"

It wasn't that Xie Heng disliked Zhao Chuchu teasing him. He was just afraid that he would lose control.

Zhao Chuchu was still physically a child. Therefore, no matter how much he liked her, he could not do anything to a maiden of that age.

Hugging and kissing her was already the limit for him.

Xie Heng could not bring himself to do any more than that.

Zhao Chuchu put her arm in his and looked into his eyes. She blinked and said, "Then we will see how well you behave."

"Alright," replied Xie Heng as he lifted his hand and patted her head. Xie Heng did not want to stop touching her soft hair, which was as smooth as silk. However, carrying two baskets with one hand was too cumbersome. He could only retract his hand. He suggested, "We can go into town tomorrow."