Chapter 359 You are an Animal!

Madam Ma lived her days in resentment and fear.

Her husband became disabled and could never walk normally again because of Zhao Chuchu. Madam Yang could forgive Zhao Chuchu, but she wasn't able to.

Every time Zhao Chuchu treated a patient, Madam Ma prayed to God that Zhao Chuchu would accidentally kill her patient. She would have to pay back with her own life that way!

Unfortunately, Madam Ma's prayers were never answered.

The noise from Madam Yang opening the door brought Madam Ma back from her train of thought.

"Are you deaf? I called you so many times. Why didn't you answer? Do you still know that I am your mother-in-law? Why the long face all day? You act as if we aren't giving you enough to eat! All of this crap is the result of bad luck bringers like you!"

Madam Yang kept scolding Madam Ma nonstop.