Chapter 371 Don't Let Outsiders Know

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Zhao Changrong finally managed to eat something. Only then did Madam Ma relax.

She had nowhere to go. For Zhao Changrong's sake, she could only bite the bullet and stay in the Chen residence.

Every day at dawn, she woke up first and helped the Chen clan with their chores. This made her feel better. At the very least, others could not honestly claim that she was freeloading.

Old Mrs. Chen allowed her to do as she pleased. After all, Madam Ma ate whatever they had for their meals. Chen Dashan and Zhao Changrong had separate meals prepared for them.

Zhao Baogen had tried visiting the Chen residence. However, Madam Ma would not see him at all and did not allow him to see Zhao Changrong as well. Zhao Baogen was so enraged that he cursed outside of the residence.

Madam Ma paid no heed to his ravings.

Even if people gossiped and ran their mouths, she would never return to the Zhao clan again.