Chapter 372 Digging Graves for Autopsies

"Da Lang, do you remember the details of Zhao Baolin and his wife's death?" Zhao Chuchu decided to ask Xie Heng.

Xie Heng replied, "I remember that they both contracted a serious illness and died one after another. I was still very young back then, so I cannot remember the exact details clearly."

Zhao Chuchu stated her suspicions. "I don't know why, but I get the feeling that their deaths are abnormal."

"Why so?"

"The plague that Lengshui Village faced when I arrived was just a minor illness in my time. However, it was still fatal for all of you, so I felt it was normal that Zhao Baolin and his wife died at such a young age. However, after seeing Old Man Zhao and Zhao Baotian's actions over the past few days, I feel that it wouldn't be unusual if these two men murdered Zhao Baolin and his wife."