Chapter 373 Only Hugs and Kisses Can Wake Me

Xie Heng grinned from ear to ear.

"The design of these robots is intricate!" he exclaimed. "It would be great if the Wei Dynasty could produce such robots too."

"That would be a tall order." Zhao Chuchu explained. "Even with a blueprint, the craftsmen here cannot produce a robot. There's too much technology involved. Rome was not built in one day."

"I understand. I was just thinking out loud," Xie Heng replied while returning the robots to Zhao Chuchu. "Thank you."

"Are you done examining them?"

"I have more or less figured out how to assemble them. But, as you said, many materials are beyond my comprehension. No matter how much I study them, I cannot replicate them."

"I'm a layman when it comes to robots. I only know how to use them. I know nothing about how they work, so I can't help you."