Chapter 374 This Amount, I Won't Sell for Any Less!

Xie Heng did not continue the same topic. Instead, he switched topics and said, "Go and wash up first. I will serve you some porridge."

He put Zhao Chuchu down beside the water tank so that she could wash her hands. Then, he went to scoop some porridge.

"The meat has been marinated. Later, when we return in the afternoon, we just need to skewer it and hang it up," said Xie Heng, not forgetting to update Zhao Chuchu on the preserved meat. "I made half of it spicy and the other half non-spicy. There were not enough intestines, so we will need to buy some when we are in town."

Xie Heng enjoyed this warm country life.

Even though he did not have authority and power, he lived a very free life.

However, such a life would not last for long.

The Third Prince's poison had been cured. It was almost time for Xie Jun to be sent to meet him.

Xie Heng intended for Xie Jun to inherit all of the Third Prince's power.