Chapter 380 Dog Bites Dog, Who Is the Culprit?

Upon hearing Madam Liu's confession, Niu Tongsheng acted immediately.

He cast aside his feeling of fear and called two men over. They were ready to search Zhao Baotian's body.

Right then, Old Man Zhao, who had been hiding in the house, dashed forward and stood in front of Zhao Baotian. He glared at Madam Liu with bloodshot eyes as he cursed, "Bitch! How dare you accuse your husband of such a crime? The truth is you had committed adultery with another man and were discovered by Zhao Baolin. So, you poisoned him!"

Old Man Zhao continued, "Zhao Baotian still loves you, so he begged me to spare you. For the sake of your two children, I kept quiet about this. Who would have thought that you would repay our kindness with evil now? Chief, this woman is the culprit that killed Zhao Baolin. Beat her to death now! I have wronged Baolin. When I die, I will seek his forgiveness."

Madam Liu was stunned speechless by Old Man Zhao's accusation.