Chapter 381 Who Knows Who Will Be Murdered Next

Old Man Zhao felt suffocated. This was his first time being so close to death.

He looked at Zhao Chuchu in terror.

Right now, there was no warmth in her eyes at all. It was as though she was looking at a dead man.

"Did you think that I wouldn't dare touch you?" Zhao Chuchu sneered. "Before this, I saw that you were staying in line, so I didn't bother to settle the score with you! Don't test me. Whoever dares to get in the way of me finding my father's murderer is my enemy. I will see to it that they meet their deaths."

"You... don't act rashly," uttered Old Man Zhao with difficulty. "Your...your father was murdered by Madam Liu. If you want to seek revenge, go after her!"

"Humph. Who are you to claim that Madam Liu is the culprit? Are you the magistrate?"