Your Wish Might Come True 1

Kang Liang had no idea what had happened just a few minutes ago and could only try to explain himself. "You must be mistaken! I never tried to trick you! I didn't know Zhao Chuchu could do martial arts, either! Did she offend you in some way?"

He was trying to see if he could get any information out of Sikou Ming.

It was hard to tell whether Sikou Ming was smiling when he replied, "What do you think?"

Kang Liang could feel a chill down his spine.

"Don't worry, sir. I'll make sure that Zhao Chuchu will treat you."

"Get lost, you stupid piece of trash!"

If Kang Liang had not mentioned that, Sikou Ming would not have gotten even more furious.

The man from the Imperial City kicked Kang Liang in his chest.

The head of the Kang clan almost passed out from that.

He found it hard to breathe and was lying on the floor, grasping his chest.

Sikou Ming then left furiously, leaving Kang Liang looking at his guest dumbfoundedly.