Your Wish Might Come True 2

"He didn't come back last night either. I thought he was with you."

"He wasn't. He should be attending to something now. Don't worry. Continue with your studies. I need to get some sleep."

"Okay. Rest well." Xie Jun quickly moved to the side.

Zhao Chuchu patted the boy's head and smiled. "Good boy."

Xie Jun smiled back at her.

After a quick shower, Zhao Chuchu sank into her bed and fell asleep.

The sun had already set when she finally woke up.

She could hear Xie Heng's voice. He was now in the kitchen, preparing dinner for her.

Zhao Chuchu touched her belly and realized she was famished. She quickly jumped out of bed.

"Da Lang, what are you making? It smells so good that it woke me up from my dream!" Zhao Chuchu's voice could be heard before she even entered the kitchen.

With his sleeves rolled up, Xie Heng was cooking in front of the stove.