He's Just A Joke 1

"What's wrong?" Zhao Chuchu asked with a smile as she approached Xie Heng and sat beside him.

"I'll have to leave the capital city for a few days in two days." Xie Heng rested his hand on her shoulder. "If you need anything, just contact the Third Heir. With him around, neither the Kang clan nor Sikou Ming can do anything to stop you."

"I was never scared of them to begin with. But where are you going?"

"There's something I have to take care of. Don't worry. It's not something troublesome."

It was clear that Xie Heng didn't want to delve into it, so Zhao Chuchu didn't ask any more about it.

"Wait, so Sikou Ming's real intention here in the Guangqing Province is to go after the Third Prince?"

"Even though Sikou Qin is dead, the Sikou clan is already on the same boat as the Great Prince. Looking for treatment from you is just an excuse. Sikou Ming is actually here to keep an eye on the Third Prince."