Despicable People Can't Stand the Good Fortune of Others

The speaker was none other than Old Mrs. Gan.

She was overjoyed when she saw Zhao Chuchu.

"We're fine now. Thankfully, this young lady saved my grandson. Otherwise, we would have lost him," the mother-in-law said with lingering fear in her voice. She paused for a moment before asking Old Mrs. Gan, "Madam, do you know this young lady?"

Old Mrs. Gan replied, "Of course! Your grandson is definitely a fortunate soul to have encountered her." She dragged Zhao Chuchu over to her side as she happily introduced the latter to the crowd, "She is Zhao Chuchu, Doctor Miracle of our Yuanjiang County."

"So, she is Mrs. Xie? That Zhao Chuchu?" The mother-in-law was in shock.

Old Mrs. Gan said proudly, "That's right. She went to the capital before this. She came back to visit and happened to attend to your grandson. That's why I said, your grandson is fortunate!'