Isn't It Too Soon to Get Pregnant?

With the help of the villagers, Zhao Chuchu's things were very quickly unpacked.

Zhao Chuchu had initially planned to stay at the Gan residence. However, now that she had seen that her house in the village was the same as before, she decided to stay in the village.

"Grandma Chen, could you help me? I brought these back from the capital. Could you distribute them among the villagers?" asked Zhao Chuchu as she took out the gifts she had bought. "Just like before, everyone else will have a share aside from those we omitted."

"Child, why did you spend so much on gifts? Doesn't Da Lang still need to study? He will need money for many matters. It is better for you to save up a bit. Now, we have the income from the watermill workshop. We are not short on food like before," Old Mrs. Chen scolded Zhao Chuchu.