Any Last Words?

Xie Heng's obedience made Lieutenant Qiu think that he was scared.

Lieutenant Qiu sneered, and his disdain for Xie Heng grew larger.

"I'm glad that you can think that way, Official Xie. After all, different professions can be worlds apart. I understand that you might be capable of managing the country in the royal court, but I believe I am the expert here when it comes to commanding troops and fighting a war."

"That's very true, Lieutenant Qiu. Well, then, I'll have to trouble you for the trip. Just let me know if you need me to do anything."

"Okay, I will."

Lieutenant Qiu felt he had the upper hand in the relationship with Xie Heng. So he happily rode the horse and went ahead.

Xie Heng looked at him, and he appeared relatively calm.

For the next few days, Xie Heng and Lieutenant Qiu's interactions became a lot more friendly.

Lieutenant Qiu even asked about Xie Heng's studies.