He Won't Be Able To Live For That Long

By the time Zhao Chuchu caught up to Xie Heng, the sky had already turned dark.

"Who are you?" The moment she got near, one of the soldiers protecting the supplies yelled, "Stand there. Do not get any closer!"

"I am Zhao Chuchu. I came to look for Xie Heng," Zhao Chuchu stopped and said.

Xie Heng immediately came over when he heard her.

"Chuchu, why are you here?" Xie Heng walked over to Zhao Chuchu. His eyes were filled to the brim with gentle, loving emotion. "Did something happen over at the Dynasty Duke's troops?" he asked.

"No, I heard that you were hurt. I came here after seeking permission from the Dynasty Duke. Where are your injuries?"

"I'm fine."

Zhao Chuchu actually already knew that Xie Heng was alright. The "injuries" were all just light scuffs for others to see.

But since Xie Heng wanted to put on a show, Zhao Chuchu had to help him.

"Hold on."