Chapter 078. She deserved it

Wang Chun was stunned. She watched the video back and forth a few times and could not believe it. "This is impossible. How could Xiao Yuan..."

Ding Wan narrowed his eyes, "Not only did we underestimate Ding Shan, but even our daughter has also changed since who knows when! But she should never have done that. Why didn't she use her brain no matter how much she hates Ding Shan? Why did she have to cause trouble at this time? My leg is the bill for her stupidity!"

Wang Chun wiped her tears and subconsciously spoke up for Ding Yuan, "That won't happen. Little Yuan has been very obedient since she was young. She's like a little princess. Why would she have such thoughts? She must have seen that the two of us were caught and thought of this idea in a moment of impatience."