Chapter 079. Spring and Autumn dream

Even though Wang Chun was very selfish, she retained her motherly warmth.

She said hatefully, "If you ask me, I don't blame Little Yuan for accusing Ding Shan. Originally, this method was also excellent. If you want to blame someone, blame it on Ding Shan for going to report it to the police. Otherwise, why would she get an injury test? Without that bullsh*t injury test report, CEO Jin would naturally not know!"

Wang Chun's gaze was vicious, "Usually that B*tch pretends to love Xiao Yuan very much, but in the end, when she turns hostile, she's more ruthless than anyone else. It's normal for Xiao Yuan to hate her! Now that Xiao Yuan's image has been ruined, I don't know how much more torture she'll have to suffer under CEO Jin's hands. In the end, isn't it still that B*tch Ding Shan's fault? Old Ding, don't forget who our biological daughter is. Don't blame the wrong person! I want to let that B*tch experience all my daughter's suffering and scolding!"