Document One: The Sunbreaker Incident

[Trollge Name: Sunbreaker]

[Original Name: Jason McDonagh]

[Age: 19]

[Height: 6' 9 (Post-Incident)]

[Incident Number: 1]

[Threat Level: High]

[Danger Level: Low]

[Description of Incident/Incident Log Below.]

[All text(s) below are from surveillance cameras that were around Jason's house, which is how we obtained this footage. All other messages, such as the text where there should morally be no cameras, we've had to improvise or get Jason's input.]

A young trollface sat in his living room, staring at a new videogame that he had just bought, called "Sunbreakers: From Dusk Till Dawn". He had been excited for this game to launch, as he had been an avid fan of the games prior to this one, especially "Sunbreakers: Rising Sunlight". He got up from his couch and walked over to his console, his hands carefully putting in the game disk into his Xbox Series X. He got both on release date, as he was a fan of the Xbox consoles and this series.

He quickly sat back down, watching as the epic loading screen showcased a trailer image of the game before he could play it. The second the game turned on, he was addicted. The graphics were amazing, almost life-like, and the gameplay was as good or even better than the previous installment. His eyes were glued to the screen, a smile on his face as he played. He progressed through the campaign as fast as he could, trying to learn as much of the lore as he could. He played throughout the day, night, and even the day after, only stopping to go to the bathroom, eat food, and shower around halfway through. His favourite character was Sunbreaker Seliox, who was able to create and control explosions as powerful as the sun. He would always choose to play as that character the moment he could.

On the second night, however, he decided that he should sleep. After all, he'd been going for over 24 hours, and he should really get some shut-eye. He laid down in his bed, the only thing on his mind being sleeping and waking up as early as possible to continue playing the game. He drifted into a deep sleep, visions of Sunbreakers lining his dreams.

He suddenly woke up in a pool of sweat. He didn't know why, but as he looked around his room, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. He was in his own room, but it didn't feel like it belonged to him. He looked around the room, staring at the space where his digital clock should have been. In its place was a dark smog in the shape of his time-telling machine. He touched the cloud-like formation and his body almost immediately shut down, his eyes quickly fading to black as he came into contact with the ethereal gas. He could not feel, nor smell, and not even hear. His eyes were laced with the look of petrification, his body frozen while his mind was still working.

His mind was left to wander, thousands of questions littering his mind, Sunbreakers not even being a thought. However, in the centre of his vision he could see a figure standing well above him, but he couldn't tell if it was floating or just extremely tall. "Poor thing." The creature stated, dragging its long, bony index finger across Jason's face, his body not even being able to shiver in response to it. "Do you want to become what you most desire?" It asked him, scaring Jason even further. He didn't know what his desire was, for he was too afraid of the monster looming above him to provide an answer.

"Haven't you ever felt powerless?" The creature asked, lifting Jason up by his armpits, almost like he was holding a child. Jason got to see what this creature's face looked like up close, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was a face similar to his own, but distorted to the point where it was almost unrecognisable. His eyes were similar to those of a spider, but he only had two of them. He had no nose, and his mouth was larger than it had any right to be. "My mind tells me that you're a fan of video games, right?" The creature's raspy voice pondered, his brittle-looking arms having an incredible amount of force behind them.

"W...why do you need to know?" Jason asked, his eyes filled with fear as his body repulsed at how this creature looked. "Well, let's just say I have a fun...experiment...that involves you, Jason McDonagh."The creature told Jason as a repeated cackling noise was heard from its sternum. Jason let out a scream, the monster shoving him closer and closer to its chest. A black material quickly covered his body as if it was tar, muting Jason's screams as it permeated every hole and pore in his body. His body began to grow taller as his bones grew longer and his muscles became denser. "Welcome to the new world, Sunbreaker." The creature spoke quickly, before grasping its chest and coughing repeatedly.

"My time here is just at its end..." The creature managed to say between coughs, before dissolving into a pile of dust, leaving just a small note and a piece of porcelain heart behind. Jason, now named Sunbreaker, read the following message. "To be one with God, one must break themselves and be built anew. Piece me back together, but my pieces are not at all few." He read out loud, picking up the piece of porcelain in his other hand. Sunbreaker slammed the heart's fragment into the ground, but it didn't break.

Quickly, lights began to flood Jason's vision, the sights of the Trollge Containment Foundation locked onto this dark-material entity. Jason put his hands up in the air and dropped the porcelain shard, scared about what was going to happen to him. The air around him began to shimmer with heat, a sudden burst of flames emerging from the air around Sunbreaker as he crouched down in fear, mimicking the fetal pose. The guards let out screams of pain as they were heated up by the orange flames. They quickly ran away, leaving their guns to melt. The flames immediately died down as the guns hit the floor, Jason realising what he had done. He looked around, seeing his room charred in flames, only one thing surviving the destruction. The fragment of the porcelain heart. Jason grabbed that, and the note, and walked out of the room, his hands up in a peaceful manner. His head originally hit the doorframe on his way out, as he wasn't used to being taller than before, so he ducked on his second attempt out, raising his hands above his head in peaceful co-operation.

[Incident Log - Finished]

[Summary of Sunbreaker's Abilities Listed Below. All abilities here are confirmed from testing.]

Sunbreaker has the ability to create fire and explosive gases, most notably airborne forms of Aziroazide Azide and PETN, both highly explosive and unstable chemicals. He has shown the capability to create other gases though, such as Carbon Monoxide, Oxygen, or even Xenon and Radon.

He sets off explosions by creating the gas that he wishes to use, for example Airborne PETN, and using his flame-creating abilities to set those particles into motion, creating a large chain of explosions wherever the gas is. He has been noted to not be affected by his own flames or explosions, so he couldn't be injured by a deflected flamethrower.

He is of above-average human intelligence. Not Mensa IQ level of genius, but still smarter than your average Joe. He can still speak using words, but most of the time he chooses not too, for the sake of sparing people his new voice, which most people find alright, but he finds dreadful to listen to. He is allowed to walk around the Trollge Containment Foundation on the agreement that if he releases any gases or kills people, he will be immediately terminated. He does have a containment cell, however he is rarely in it during the day or unless he's playing video games. The room tries to mimic his old room with adjustments for his new height.

He possesses almost supernatural strength, being able to punch down trees in a single hit, but his running speed is that of a regular human his size. His stamina is also commendable, being able to run a full kilometre in just under ten minutes.

His body is able to mold and shape itself into many forms, but he has to use all of his mass regardless of the form he's in. He can regenerate lost arms and legs, and even his head, as long as there is one cell left of him. One strand of DNA. His body is a solid when he wants to move around, but he can also turn into a pile of unidentified tar-coloured liquid in which he can access his other forms from.

[Document is written by: Researcher Damien O'Neill.]

[End of Document.]