Document Two: The Burning Skies Incident

[Trollge Names: Skyburner Survivors]

[Original Names: Neil O'Shea and Lauren O'Shea]

[Ages: 15 and 12]

[Height: 5' 9 and 5' 2 (The same as before the incident)]

[Incident Numbers: 2-1 and 2-2]

[Threat Level: Medium]

[Danger Level: Low]

[Description of Incident/Incident Log Below.]

[All information is taken from Neil's own recollection of the event, meaning that all information present has been experienced by him.]

Neil sat on his bed at his house, admiring the beautiful sunset that was visible from his bedroom window. The sun slipped under the horizon, a lovely orange glow emanating from it as it vanished beneath his view. He loved to look at the oncoming sunset, for it reminded him that the day was at its end, and would begin again tomorrow, as it should. However, once the light slipped away, a figure burning bright appeared on the horizon, made clearer by the lack of sun behind it.

Neil looked at the being with a confused expression, his mind wandering around, trying to figure out what it was. It reminded him of a human being, yet it obviously wasn't, due to its extreme colour and light emission. The creature flew up into the air, it's body seeming to disintegrate as it emitted more light. Neil stood up, getting closer to the window with a dumbfounded look on his face.

The sky around the creature suddenly lit up in flames, shocking Neil to his very core as he stared at the now-orange sky. He was not the only one to have seen this, however, as his sister, Lauren, walked outside with a scared look upon her face. Neil opened his window to yell at his sister "Lauren! Get back inside!" He screamed at her, shocking Lauren just as much as the flames. She quickly rushed back inside, startling their parents upon the hearing of their only son yelling at their daughter. "What's going on?!" Their dad yelled at them, rushing upstairs to Neil's room. "Dad, what the fuck is going on out there?!" Neil yelled, pointing towards the brining skies with his index finger.

"What? I don't see anything unnatural out there." Neil's father bluntly stated with a confused expression on his face. Lauren quickly ran inside with a scared look upon her face. "Neil, what the fuck is that?!" Lauren asked him in a panic. "Stop swearing, the both of you!" Their dad yelled, their mother slowly coming up the stairs behind them. "Dad, do you not see the orange sky?!" Neil asked them, the mother and father looking at eachother with a slightly scared look on their face.

The dad leaned over to the mother as she walked up to them and whispered in her ear. "I think it's time we get a doctor to look at these two, they're obviously not doing too well." The father whispered to his wife, an orange creature appearing behind him as he did. "Dad, look out! Duck!" Neil yelled, but his father paid no attention to the warning of his son.

The orange being stuck its hand inside the spine of Neil's father, sticking it's hand out the other side. His dad seemed unaffected by the attack, until the creature opened its hands to reveal its palms and pulled its arm out. The dad quickly began to melt away into the ground, Neil's mother looking shocked at the pile of flesh that her husband was turning into. The creature quickly did the same to his mother, Neil not having enough time to react to what was going on. His mind was a flurry of questions, such as, "What's going on?", "What's happening?", "What IS that thing?!"

Neil watched as his mother and father melted into piles of featureless flesh with no bones to speak of, a look of fear slowly appearing in his face as he realised what had happened. Neil let out a scream and fell backwards, toppling Lauren over as he did. The pair were on the floor, crawling as far away as they could from the creature before hitting the wall. The orange being walked over towards them, its hands curled up into fists, prepared to do what it had done to his parents. The pair hugged eachother as the creature flung its fists towards them, piercing their chests.

They felt the air being dragged out of their lungs, almost as if it was being burned up inside their chests. They tried to scream, but there was no air to use to power their voices. The creature dropped what appeared to be shards of orange energy inside their lungs as he pulled his arm away. The pair began to melt into the ground, making sure that they pushed themselves away from eachother. They didn't want to fuse together.

However, the moment that they lost the features of their faces, an orange aura surrounded them. The pair were quickly reconstructed so that they looked like they did before, the orange shard appearing in the hole in their chests as their clothes slid back onto them. The holes quickly began to heal over, replaced with skin that was identical to their own. The orange stone planted itself firmly in both of their chests, almost like it was trying to make itself known. The orange creature looked at them, its head opening outwards like a platform to reveal a head with a mouth where one should have been before.

"You two have been chosen as The Holders. Keep the shard safe, for it is your source of power from this day forward." The creature said to them in an almost angelic voice, unsuited to their actions and body. Neil and Lauren looked at their chests in shock, Neil tapping the crystal to see if it was really stuck in there. The second his finger pressed against it, a shot of pain coursed through his body, causing him to grasp at his chest and stumble slightly. "You'll learn how to use those shards in your body as you experiment, but do not attempt to touch your new power source, for it does not like to be disturbed." The orange being told them, its body phasing in and out of existence at high speeds.

"Keep it safe." The creature finished, before fully vanishing, the TCF breaking down the doors to the house as it did. They were looking for the orange creature, and they kept mentioning the word "Skyburner". The two siblings out their hands behind their heads, a small part of the shard being visible, although barely, through their clothing. It was like a faint, orange marker stain.

[Incident Log - Finished]

[Summary of Sunbreaker's Abilities Listed Below. All abilities here are confirmed from testing/confined experimentation.]

Incident 002-1 and 002-2 appear to be regular humans with an amber-coloured, although referred to as orange, shard placed in the centre of their chest. It is placed on their sternum.

These twins do not have the need to eat, although they do enjoy consuming food and nutrients as a regular human does. Their waste is identical to a normal human's, so nothing appears to be amiss.

These Incidents have apparently unlimited stamina. This meas that they would be the best at running a marathon. Their speed and strength is equal to that of a regular human, but the limitless stamina is enough to send chills down the TCF staff. They would be able to chase down something indefinitely.

They appear to have no special traits other than their abnormal stamina, but the TCF have tested different things on them. An interaction between Incident 1, Incidents 2-1 and Incident 2-2 have determined that they are able to exist in the same area as each other, and even enjoy it. Just like regular humans.

There appears to be no further information we can glean from them through testing as of current, so Incidents 2-1 and 2-2 are allowed to roam the Trollge Containment Foundation's halls, but are not to interact with any contained or imprisoned Incidents.

[Document is written by: Researcher Lauren Smith.]

[End of Document.]