Document Four: The Revenge Incident

[Trollge Name: Revenge]

[Original Name: Loli Poli]

[Age: 23]

[Height: 5' 11 (Post-Incident)]

[Incident Number: 4]

[Threat Level: Medium]

[Danger Level: High]

[Description of Incident/Incident Log Below.]

[This data is what the Trollge Containment Foundation have ascertained to have happened. This information was gathered through the use of barbiturates, more commonly known as Truth Serum Drugs.]

Loli Poli was a clown, the star of a circus known as the "Cirque du Bonheur Infini". She was the lead performer, the main act. The mascot, the one everyone came to see. She lived in the spotlight for many years, reaping the rewards of her innate ability to make kids laugh and smile. It was almost as if she was blessed by the gods themselves. It was a pleasant time in her life, but as all good things must start, they all must end.

Over the years, people began to get bored of her acts and tricks. They could see any other clown do the exact same things, and more. Less and less people began attending the Cirque du Bonhuer Infini, crowds dropping to only five attendees on a good day. Soon enough, there was nobody attending, and Loli lost her job as a circus performer, and so did all of the other people who were a part of it. They all went their separate ways afterwards, Loli finding a cheap-enough apartment to rent out in an unnamed city.

She quickly found a job as a freelance tutor for English, making a decent amount of money from those who wished to get better at learning English, or just wanted to improve their English grade in school. For just over a year, everything seemed normal. Everything was going smoothly, Loli only occasionally reminding herself of her joyous life as a clown.

However, as you've probably guessed from reading this document, that changed rather suddenly. She sat down in her bed, reading an old book of hers that she had when she was a clown, titled "One Hundred and One ways to impress a crowd!". It was like looking back into a compilation of images and pictures from her days as a clown. She pulled up her phone and started searching for any circuses that were either starting out or hiring clowns, but none were within a 500 kilometre radius, and she wouldn't have anywhere to stay while she worked.

Loli looked over to her wardrobe, or closet, depending on where you're reading this from, her infamous clown dress and red nose looking at her, almost as if it was sad. She got up from her bed, sighing as she walked over to it. She quickly put the clown dress on over her pajamas, her red nose slotting on over her nose as small tears dripped down her face. She missed the times of old. The time where she could entertain kids and adults alike with her silly antics and tricks. It was just all so far away from her now, she couldn't hope to ever return.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, a shiver running down her spine. She looked at the hand on her left shoulder, dark digits connected to a vantablack palm and hand. It was almost as if it was absorbing the light around it. She looked at the arm that was connected to it, gazing up at the creatures coal-like body. She stared it in the face, looking at its spider-like eyes for a second before falling backwards, her body going limp. She had fainted from the appearance of the creature.

Loli woke up in a cold sweat in her bed, still wearing her clown costume as she sat up in shock. She looked around her, not seeing the creature anywhere. She let out a sigh of relief, before looking up at the ceiling, and there he was, staring down at her. Loli let out an ear-piercing scream as the creature fell down on top of her, using his arms and legs to propel himself away from the bed the second he landed. He landed on the floor at the foot of the med, his hands and feet bracing his fall. He stood up, his long, almost knife-like hands tapping the side of his face. "A clown, in the literal sense, lost without purpose." The creature spoke in a quiet voice, its voice sounding almost like it was silky.

"What...?" Loli asked, grabbing her bed sheets in fear and retreating to the headboard of her bed, covering herself up to the point where it was just under her eyes in fear. "How do you know what I used to be?" She asked, nearly yelling. "Calm yourself, clown. I can grant you the power to take up your job as a clown once more. The power to bring out emotions in children once more. What do you say?" The creature inquired, extending its long, bony arm towards it, the black digits connected to its palm moving from side to side. It appeared to be trying to give her a handshake.

"If it'll help me make children happy, then I'll take the offer." Loli said to herself, assuming that she would be able to bring joy to the face of kids. She grasped his hand, and as his fist closed and they shook hands, he smiled. "I never said you'd bring out happiness. I only said emotion." He chuckled with a smile, a black substance erupting from his chest, covering Loli's body. She let out a scream as her body was covered with a black liquid. It was similar to the stuff that makes Sunbreaker who he is. Most of her body remained the same as it did before, however her face was not spared by the black substance.

Her face turned more and more into that of a clown. Her face grew a large smile, her irises turning full black, with a red nose on the top. If you were to squish it, it would make a squeaking noise. "The power of ferrokinesis is now yours. Use it wisely." The creature said as Loli's body finished forming. "Take revenge on those who kicked you out of the clown business."

The creature, as he had both times before, left a note and a piece of porcelain heart behind as he disintegrated. However, there was no knock from the TCF. She was free to roam the world, right? Well, that's what could have been assumed, if it weren't for the sound of shattering glass. TCF soldiers poured in from the window, guns at the waists as they trained their sights on whatever remained of Loli.

She lifted her hand, the barrel of the gun twisting towards the soldiers in an almost cartoonist way, before the triggers automatically fired, killing half of the soldiers there. All the ones that thought quickly managed to drop their guns and run towards the hostile Incident with their knives. They were just regular knives, so that meant Loli was able to rip them out their hands like toys, and turn them against the soldiers. They arranged themselves in a wall, taking the knives from the bodies of the dead soldiers as well. Multiple soldiers fell to the ground, knives impaled in their chest.

Only only soldier was alive at this point, and he had just barely survived by dropping to the floor, a knife wound bleeding across his back. This was soldier Heisean Feldman. He was known for his almost Incident-like luck. Heisean got up quickly, pulling his one-time-use tranquilliser dart out from his pocket, stabbing it into Loli's neck as he sprinted past her. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt the tranquilliser go in, but a shallow breath left his lips as a blade passed through his shoulders. It missed his spine, not hitting any major organs, but by god did it hurt. He lay on the ground, small amounts of blood pooling around his body. He was on his stomach so that he wouldn't push the blade in any further.

Another TCF Squadron was sent in after five minutes, since no response was made by the first. They found everyone dead, but per company policy, they had to check to make sure everyone was dead, if they weren't obviously not going to be alive. That meant everyone who was stabbed had to be checked. Heisean was the last one to be checked, and when his pulse was felt, a gasp was let out by the person who examined him. They brought him back to base, and in about one month, he was back to serving. They also grabbed Loli Poli, the porcelain heart and the note left behind. This time, it read the following.

"You wish for the future to go well, yet you grieve for the past. You cannot see that your time has ended on its final note, its last. This creature has little sanity, but much more than my previous test. Her humanity is most gone, the quality that was her best."

[Incident Log - Finished]

[Summary of Revenge's Abilities Listed Below. All abilities here are confirmed from experiencing and/or observation.]

Revenge's abilities are almost identical to ferrokinesis, the manipulation of metal. She is apparently unable to create metal, but any metal in a 100m radius is under her immediately control to do whatever she so wishes. She can change its shape as long as it has the same mass, she can bend it, move it around almost telekinetically. Anything you can imagine ferrokinesis doing will probably be accurate.

Further research is needed on the extreme luck of Heisean Feldman.

[Document is written by: Researcher Oliver Galavan.]

[End of Document.]