Document Five: The Branches and the ICTF

In the TCF, there are different branches for the different Incident types that we come across. Each one has a different speciality, but every one of them is equally valued. We do not enjoy the loss of life that comes from containing these creatures, but we do what we must.

The first Branch is the Recon Branch. These people are the one who scope areas looking for Incidents that are about to occur. Only one incident can be created at a time, according to our investigations, so we only send out one of the squads at once to avoid too much suspicion. There are ten squads, and Heisean Feldman is part of squad number seven, which may just be coincidence in accordance with his extreme luck. Each recon squad is practically the same as the next, with the exception of number seven having Heisean, meaning that there's always one member left.

Each member of the Recon Branch is equipped with a TCF-branded knife, M4A1, syringe of morphine, flashlight, set of rations and three stun grenades. These items are for occasions where they either have to scope an area out for multiple days or attempt to subdue basic Incidents that aren't deemed to be too much of a threat. They also wear uniforms with light plating and their name upon it with a black and grey colour scheme.

Next we have the Storm Branch, which sounds like a branch that protects the base from harsh weather, but it's quite the opposite. It is the theoretical harsh weather in the situation. The Storm Branch houses five squads with twenty battle-hardened soldiers in each. The Storm Branch members are those sent in after the Recon squad or if the Incident is deemed too dangerous to be contained by the Recon Squad.

Each member of the Storm Branch has a TCF-branded Springfield XD-M Elite pistol, which fires 9mm bullets, either an M15 assault rifle or MP5 submachine gun, five frag grenades, an Ontario MK 3 Navy Knife which were...liberated...from the United States Navy and their own armour. It comes with a full matte black colour palette with heavy body armour and a full-face helmet with a tinted visor so that you can see out of it but not into it. They also carry on their bodies a heavy duty, yet small, flashlight that activates automatically when they step into a dimly or unlit room. Pretty much, as long as it's dark it'll activate.

The final group of people are known as the ICTF. The ICTF stands for the "Incident-Composed Task Force". This unofficially recognised taks force is composed entirely of willing and suitable Incidents. It's lead by Incident 1: Sunbreaker, and contains himself, Incident: [UNAVAILABLE], Incident: [UNAVAILABLE], Incident: [UNAVAILABLE], Incident: [UNAVAILABLE], Incident: [UNAVAILABLE], and Incident: [UNAVAILABLE]. They usually work alongside the Storm Branch, but are known to have members sent alongside the Recon Branch. They're the ones who willy usually engage the Incident that the TCF wish to contain in melee combat. However, in this scenario, the Recon or Storm Branches will provide backup to the ICTF in the form of weapon-firing. It'll distract the Incident so that the ICTF are able to get solid hits in.

These are the two official, and one unofficial, branches in the TCF, which means that there's at max two hundred trained soldiers on standby at any given time. However, there are also researchers who work here, myself included. Researchers Oliver Galavan and Damien O'Neil are some that you've seen work from already. They write up accounts of dangerous Incidents, while Researcher Mikhail Renway writes up accounts of Unknown Alignment Trollges, meaning that they could change sides at any point as of the time of writing. Researcher Lauren Smith takes up-close notes on the less dangerous Trollges. However, there are no truly safe Incidents, so everyone has a near-equal risk factor in their jobs.

And what is my job, you may be pondering? Well, I write accounts like these. The documents that don't relate specifically to the backstories and abilities of the Trollges.

[Document is written by: Researcher Nesquikira Kishimoto.]

[End of Document.]