Document Eight: The Cellular Intelligence Incident

[Trollge Name: Cellular]

[Original Name: Undocumented]

[Age: Unknown]

[Height: 7' 6]

[Incident Number: 6]

[Threat Level: High]

[Danger Level: Medium]

[Description of Incident/Incident Log Below.]

[Description of Incident comes from Cellular themselves.]

The sound of clanging metal rang throughout the air, a forge firing up as metal sparks flew through the air nearby. A loud voice was yelling in the background, however his words were muffled by all of the surrounding noise.

One person in this tale was of importance. Cellular's past self. He was your average forge-worker. He hammered bits of metal into the shape of a blade after heating them up in the forge before passing it towards the person beside him so that they could sand the blade down. It was an efficient process that had stayed tried and true throughout his years of work. However, as he was working, he heard the person next to him yell out in pain. He turned his head, as did everyone else in the building, only to see a thing standing behind his co-worker, a long, bony, tar-black hand shoved through his chest, holding his co-workers heart. The creature pulled his fist away, holding the slightly-beating heart in the air for all to see as he turned around to face them before crushing it, chunks of meat falling to the floor as blood drenched his hand.

This was the trigger that sent everyone screaming. Everyone began panicking, running around the room, trying to find an item to protect themselves. Some people grabbed the sharpened blades, while other people found large sheets of metal to hopefully protect themselves with. Cellular's past self took the quickest route of hiding under a nearby table. It may not have been the safest option, but it was by far the easiest way to hide himself from the creature standing nearby. The sounds of blood flying around the room left Cellular's past self scared, holding his head in his hands as he curled up into a ball. The sound of bodies falling to the floor as the sound of organs squelching made him want to throw up.

The symphony of screams quietened down as more and more people began to die, a quiet chuckle emanating from the mouth of the creature. Cellular's past self listened as the final body let out a scream before falling, the sound of bones breaking coming from the opposite corner of the room. He kept his breath held as he waited for the creature to leave. However, the sound of footsteps drew near, the air getting colder and colder. As the creature reached the table, no noise was made, and Cellular's past self keep his breath held for as long as he could. Just as he was about to run out of breath, the creature grasped him by his work clothes, pulling him out from underneath the table.

"You almost got away from me, sneaky one..." The creature said in a raspy voice, almost like the voice you'd hear from a spider, if spiders could speak. "You intrigue me, human. You were the only one out of the people here to hide. You were also coincidentally the last one alive. You were smart." It continued speaking, slowly turning Cellular's past self to face him. "You need a reward for successfully avoiding me." The creature stated, Cellular's past self quickly shaking his arms from side to side. "Nono, you don't need to do that, honestly..." He quickly said, trying to make sure that he wasn't turned into monster food. "Oh but I do, sneaky human. Intelligence must be rewarded. I'll grant you power beyond that of any human, in exchange for some thing that you hold dear." The monster responded, shoving his finger into Cellular's chest.

"Your name and your sight. In exchange for your name and your ability to see, I'll grant you power behind your wildest dreams." The monster stated with a smile on its face. It pushed its fingers into Cellular's face, poking out his eyes as it laughed, black fluid flowing into his eye sockets. Cellular's body began to spasm violently as his body was mutilated, or you could call it violated, by the black substance. The monster dropped Cellular to the ground before disintegrating, leaving behind a piece of a porcelain heart and a note.

"One has fallen, his name taken away. Yet his sanity and body have not gone astray. In the air of this planet with the sky glowing stellular, I bring to this world a creature called Cellular."

Cellular woke up in a strange cell, but to him it was complete darkness, no recollection of his name nor his age. All that came to his mind was the monster that had transformed him. He stood up, putting his hands to his face, only to feel a barrier placed in front of his eyes. He had been blinded by the monster and he had no way to identify himself. It appeared to be a physical blockade, and when he tried to pull it away, he felt his skin get pulled forward. It was attached to him, apparently.

Cellular heard a door open behind him, the sound of footsteps banging in his ears. Cellular held his hands to his head as he heard the footsteps get louder and louder. "Calm down. I'm giving you something to help you hear normally." The voice stated, apparently female. Cellular sensed no hostility in her voice, which shocked him. He could sense hostility? What the hell had happened to him?

The woman opened his hands, placing a pill in his left and a glass his other hand. He couldn't tell what it was yet. "Drink it. It's a pill that'll dull your hearing. We noticed that you have hypersensitive hearing ever since we found you outside that strange warehouse." The voice explained, Cellular popping the pill into his mouth and taking a mouthful of what tasted like water before swallowing, shoving the pill down his throat.

" I?" Cellular asked, looking for answers. "You're in the Trollge Containment Foundation. Welcome to your new home, Cellular."

[Incident Log - Finished]

[Summary of Cellular's Abilities Listed Below. All abilities here are confirmed by Cellular and via intense testing.]

Cellular has a small black barrier latched onto his eyes. It's comparable to a small black bar screwed into his face. It could theoretically be pulled off, but we do not know what would happen if we did. We do not wish to kill him if we do so.

This means that Cellular is blind. However, all of his other senses have been enhanced. Taste, smell, touch and hearing. He takes one cylindrical pill full of an undisclosed substance to help dull his senses so that he's not always in pain from hearing his own footsteps.

Cellular possesses the ability to sense hostility. He described it as "like a dot on a radar. I can see where the hostility is coming from, along with the amount of hostility shown. Using the other senses I have, I can get an estimate on where they are. I can't determine specific features like clothes without touching them. Hell, I don't even know if any of you all are actually humans."

Cellular also possesses one more ability that he has no control over. His body passively transforms into the shape it needs to be for the situation, and he's aware of this. If he allows himself to go numb, as in let his body do all the work he normally does manually, his body goes into autopilot. In this state, his body searches for hostility directed towards him, and he will be forced to attack the source of hostility.

His body usually transforms with the help of black cells, a unique thing found in his body and his only. Black cells are made out of the same stuff as all other cells. Nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. They take on a black hue and are controlled directly by the brain. The brain is also enhanced by these black cells, replacing the normal cells of the human brain with a much faster alternative, his own black cells. They work to both increase reaction speed, processing speed, response time and overall quick actions.

When he's transformed, the parts of his body that are not needed seem to disappear as black cells construct themselves into the shape that is deemed necessary.

[Document is written by: Researcher Lauren Smith.]

[End of Document.]