Document Ten: The Dinkle Incident

[Trollge Name: The Dinkle]

[Original Name: Pinkie Dinkle]

[Age: Unknown, but acts like an angry three year old.]

[Height: 3' 2]

[Incident Number: 8]

[Threat Level: Extremely High]

[Danger Level: High]

[Researcher Note: This little angry annoyance will annoy you to hell. Just a warning from me.]

[Description of Incident/Incident Log Below. At least, this is what we were able to piece together from The Dinkle's recollection.]

There was a river named the Shannon. That river had a little offshoot, a distributary, called the Brandon. To cross that small river, you had to walk over a small bridge. The bridge was made of large and small stones, with colours that varied from white to black and everything between. Wen the sun shined on it, the stones would reflect the light to create it's own light show.

If a human made it past the halfway point on that bridge, The Dinkle, a goblin with green skin, long ears, ragged clothes, small eyes and sharp teeth would walk out and begin to follow them. No matter what the person said to them, Pinkie Dinkle, as it calls itself, would keep walking, following their every move. Even once they passed the bridge it would not stop pestering them, slowly getting more and more annoying as it continued to irritate them.

Only the person who had been chosen by Pinkie Dinkle could see it. When nobody was chosen, it was visible to all. This is what made it such a dangerous creature. It would begin to employ more and more tactics, becoming more annoying and creepy as it progressed. First, it would talk to them non-stop. Then it would start destroying things, and no matter what the afflicted person would say, they would be blamed for it. Then it'd start hiding in the corners of the room, twerking in order to stress them out, causing erratic eye twitches as they tried to avoid conversation. We still don't know why or how it learned how to twerk. We've just had to accept it.

Then, the final stage. It would do a mixture of all of those along with random whispers behind you, spreading rumours with varying levels of truth and/or blatant lies in order to decrease your social standing. The reason why this one is the final stage is because when it tells you, it appears that everyone you are associated with somehow learns too.

The combination of all of these would drive someone to insanity, or even worse, suicide. Once the afflicted took their own life, Pinkie Dinkle would seemingly teleport back to the bridge in order to mentally destroy the next person that stepped on it. There is no way to save yourself once you've been afflicted, unless you manage to trap the sneaky goblin. However, you won't be safe for long. After all, it'll start spreading rumours.

[Incident Log - Finished]

[Summary of The Dinkle's Abilities Listed Below. All abilities here are confirmed via The Dinkle either telling us himself or the futile attempts of those afflicted by them.]

The Dinkle is an indestructible goblin with one goal. Annoy people. It'll use any methods it has to, involving twerking, to annoy the person who stepped on their bridge to suicide. They have the ability to mentally manipulate those around the afflicted in order to tell them its various rumours and lies.

If you ever are unfortunate enough to encounter this creature out in the real world, all we can do is pray for you.

If someone else steps on his bridge while he's already pestering someone, he will not appear.

[Document is written by: Researcher Oliver Galavan.]

[End Of Document.]